- Promote the exchange of experiences between the associated producer organizations.
- Manage training in matters of socio-business leadership training, quality control, marketing, productive-commercial diversification, projects for women and young people
- Strategic Planning, Regulations. Internal Control Systems, Marketing, Social Marketing and other areas of interest of organizations
- Promote the construction of concepts, criteria and principles, instruments. collective; of politics in the associativity, production and commercialization, of promotion of certification, of financing and credit, for the organizations of associated producers.
- Promote the promotion of the interests and vision of small producers inside and outside the Fair Trade systems and movement.
- Promote the promotion of actions and policies in favor of building capacities of the organizational forms of small producers at a local, national and international level.
- Public policy management for the incidence and strengthening of fair trade.
- Generate proposals on the development of adequate standards and certification systems for small producers.
- Generate the construction of alliances, agreements with small producers and consumers inside and outside the national territory.
- Implement the promotion of national and international markets of Fair Trade, solidarity and sustainable.
- Participation in product fairs and national and international conferences.
- Manage the construction of an operational infrastructure that supports the execution and monitoring of work plans.
- Strengthening of National and International Networks through Product Networks.
- Support processes aimed at the comprehensive strengthening of partner organizations.
- Manage resources from different legal sources, including those derived from international cooperation, to be used to finance the different activities that constitute the object of La Iniciativa Colombiana
- Promote support for the formulation, execution, monitoring and evaluation of plans, programs and projects, which comply with the purpose of La Iniciativa Colombiana.
- Management of refinancing and financing to constitute the creation of revolving funds at the service of the associates.